Parenting personal

clutter of the mind

Like sharpson stepping on jagged stones. Remove every as you find. Fuck the world, relax and exhale. Let the blood drain from your legs and get back to your brain.

Breath. Breeeeeeeeeeath.

Put signs on every room in your house, to make it a bit more exciting.

Take the moment to relax and write, create instead of consume. Perform.

Imagine a few minutes time. It will come soon.

Parenting quick

Lying awake in bed at 5am, panic in the air

What are the cheeky elves going to do tonight?


nappy rash, how to avoid and minimise

Use water wipes.
They are fine for wee and don’t cause a rash.
As your kids gets older and eats more food their poo gets way more horrible.
So you need to get a big tub of silcoks base from chemist.
Use with water wipes to clean poo off.
Don’t use soap, at this point I’m sure it’s when you clean them too much, and I’m guessing kill a lot of bacteria in the arse region, they get a fungus infection… Nappy rash.

Silcoks base avoids this but let’s you clean off the shit without using 200 wipes.